Readable is a simple blogging theme for sharing thoughtful stories and articles that won’t go unnoticed, thanks to its clean-modern design and perfectly calibrated typography. Readable is perfect for those who want to focus on their website content without the distraction of fancy animations and effects.
☞ NOTE: Quadra font used on the theme is provided by TARDIEX typefoundry. And yes, it’s bundled with the theme.
☞ FEATURES: ✓ Ghost 3+ support ✓ Responsive and mobile-optimized layout ✓ Highlighted featured-post ✓ Retina ready ✓ Subscription enabled ✓ Fixed-to-scroll sidebar ✓ Author details and custom social sharing button ✓ Easy to set up Disqus comment ✓ Contact form ready ✓ Perfectly calibrated typography ✓ Built-in gallery zoom ✓ Blockquote with Twitter sharing button ✓ Extensive documentation
Anjali Scott (verified owner) –
“Loads quickly and is optimized for performance!”
William Nair (verified owner) –
“Clean code and super smooth performance!”
Sonia Carter (verified owner) –
“Impressive template with tons of customization options!”
Sonia Carter (verified owner) –
“Sleek, modern, and packed with useful features!”
Michael Gupta (verified owner) –
“Great support team and top-notch quality!”
Olivia Iyer (verified owner) –
“A game-changer for any developer!”
Neha Robinson (verified owner) –
“A game-changer for any developer!”